It is funny that I recently realize that the website abstained to use the word “gay” in its frontpage. This move somehow confuses me since...

Are the gay people in the Philippines not proud of being themselves? Does it hurt their ego when they are called gay? I think so. I recently came out to my family and I am proud that I did. For the first time, I can talk to them somehow how I really feel, how my heart was broken, how I fell in love and fell out of love and it feels darn good. I have harassed people on the website and been harassed for a lot of times and it is just funny how they try to insult me… they call me “BAKLA”. That is really funny; a gay guy being insulted with his preference is ironic. Yes, I am bakla and I don’t get insulted when people call me that, and the funnier thing is that most people call me gay are also gay so the irony keeps filing up like my bills.
As a proud member of the GAY community aren’t we suppose to uplift the word gay and glue it to something awesome like our website? I think it is smart, not only for the traffic of the website but also for the gay community by using the word gay with pride. I am bakla and I am proud of this website.By:Aiko